Genetics: Having Epilepsy, Being Tall, and Rolling Your Tongue

Torie Robinson
4 min readJul 29, 2019

You know when you’re just having a nice day and then a person brings up incest:

“Sorry but I think you are wrong. Is epilepsy not a result of genetics caused in many cases by close family interbreeding. Such as first cousin marrying first cousin.”

Uh….no. Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash

My first emotion was shock and then I laughed at the poor man’s ignorance. But then I felt pain on behalf of those who must interact with people like him every single day.

I’d posted an article from The Lancet Journal on the Epilepsy Sparks social media pages regarding the higher rate of epilepsy in developing countries. The Lancet Journal is one of the most highly respected medical journals in the world publishing articles quoting empirical evidence.

Many of us imagine that the ignorance like that of John* only occurs in certain countries where fewer people yet have access to education. Well no: this man was from the United Kingdom.

Oh. Dear. Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Common causes of epilepsy are:

  • Head injury
  • Low oxygen during birth
  • Meningitis or encephalitis
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Brain tumours

In developing countries, there is far less access to medical care (including assistance in childbirth, disease prevention, and treatments) and often a greater incidence of violence and head injury — hence epilepsy is more common.

The Epilepsy Society says:

Some researchers now believe that the chance of developing epilepsy is probably always genetic to some extent

…which if the case, is exciting because it means that epilepsy Neuroscientists & Researchers will be able to focus their work more effectively.

Brain. Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

It is worth noting that of course, some illnesses can be attributed (at least to a degree) to incest or people having children with close family members:

One billion people worldwide live in countries where marriage among relatives is common. Of this billion, one in three is married to a second cousin or closer relative or is the progeny of such a marriage. The frequency of genetic disorders among such children is around twice that in children of non-related parents.

Epilepsy is common

The thing is that epilepsy is common in the rest of the population (approx. 1%) who are not the result of incest, so epilepsy isn’t the result of getting down with your cousin. 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives but this doesn’t make 1 in 8 women the result of an overly-close relationship with a close relative either.

People can be born with genetic predispositions to thousands of traits/illnesses, some of which are attributable to recessive or mutated genes, and some of which are attributable to environmental factors, including (and these are just a few of thousands):

Even if a person has a gene which makes them more likely to have a certain trait or disease/condition, they often won’t experience it because:

Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression (active versus inactive genes) that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence — a change in phenotype without a change in genotype — which in turn affects how cells read the genes.”

Did you also notice that not all of the traits mentioned are negative/undesirable?! I wouldn’t mind being a bit taller or being able to roll my tongue a different way.

DNA. PublicDomainPictures

Even if everyone with epilepsy had it as the result of genetics it wouldn’t mean that 75million people were the result of “sex between close relatives”. Just as 40% of those with hay fever (the percentage of those whose hay fever has a genetic component) also are not the result of sex between close relatives.

For information regarding epilepsy research, contact Epilepsy Research UK — details here.

If you have a comment or question, I’m always game to chat on Twitter at torierobinson10


**Blog first featured on Epilepsy Sparks



Torie Robinson

Motivational Speaker & Consultant (who’s had brain surgery) & CEO of Epilepsy Sparks. Talks specialize in Epilepsy & Mental Health, Diversity & Inclusion